Our TCLP Exchange Teacher has arrived!

Tian Yuanyuan, our Chinese Exchange Teacher has spent two weeks in Washingston, DC with several other teachers from China and Egypt who will be in the United States for the 2012-2013 school year. While in Washington, DC, the exchange teachers learned moreĀ about American schools and participated in various workshops to help them acclimate to American life. Each exchange teacher is assigned a mentor teacher. Amy Taylor is serving as Tian Yuanyuan’s mentor.

Tian Yuanyuan will be at Walnut Street School as part of the US Department of State – Teachers of Critical Languages Program (TCLP). Walnut Street School is one of only 24 schools nationwide honored with hosting a TCLP exchange teacher this year. Our school has been fortunate to be a part of this prestigious program for two years in a row.

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